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Cancer, Recovery and Nutrition

Cancer, Recovery and Nutritional Needs ! We are all quite aware of Cancer and the consequences. Cancer is not easy and so is recovery from the deadly disease. There are more than 200 types of cancers . Social media and health articles have made it easy for the population to understand what causes cancer. Diagnosing the disease plays a major role because as early as we diagnose cancer, the better the recovery and survival rates.

As I said there are more than 200 types of cancers and there are many reasons why a human is prone to this disease. Few of them being:

1. Genetically modified cells which is a genetic mutation where the genetic coding is modified and there is decreased cell death. As the cell has a cycle of 52 divisions and differentiation, after this cycle there must be apoptosis, which is cell death and there will be a cell renewal. All this is regulated by the genetic coding.

2. Lifestyle changes like consuming more processed foods, pickled foods, packaged foods, smoking which makes the most cases in cancer, alcohol which is another trigger for cancer.

3. Family history of tumours and cancers can also lead to cancerous risks.

4. Usage of certain chemicals, preservatives, prolonged plastic exposure, people who work in industrial exposure, cities that are exhausted with more polluted chemical releases from industrial waste.

Can we prevent cancer from reaching our bodies ?

As we have already discussed, cancer can be in the family, genetic mutation

s that are not always externally stimulated. And sometimes, external factors like lifestyle and environment play the role of the stimulants that can trigger a healthy cell and also a cell that is prone to mutations. Regularly getting health check ups is encouraged especially in case there are family histories of cancer.

What are the signs and symptoms of Cancer ?

# Fatigue # weightloss # swelling or lumps # pain # decreased immunity # strange marks on the body/rashes # temperature changes # lack of appetite # nausea/vomiting/diarrhoea # night sweats

Diagnosing Cancer !

Cancer is diagnosed by various blood tests, sputum cultures, scans and X-rays, endoscopy, tumour markers, gene testing, hormone levels, cytokine/inflammatory markers etc.

It all starts with stage 1-initiation, where we rarely find symptoms. Stage 2 is the promotional stage where the cancer cells start to divide. Stage 3 is the progression stage where the cancer is spread to the body parts. Stage 4 is the advance stage of the malignancy.


If the cancer is benign which means there is no risk of cells dividing and spreading, a watchful waiting is generally suggested by the Doctor. After observing the cultures and biopsy, certain medications are given. A surgery to remove the tumour can also be part of the treatment that is generally followed. Some benign tumours might not require medication. So watchful waiting is very important here.

If the cancer is malignant, this will be diagnosed by the blood tests and the scans. Also the symptoms will be much more intense. A malignant tumour’s treatment will be decided after the physician understands at what stage of cancer the individual is progressing into. Once, the stage is known medication and treatment is given accordingly. Surgery, Chemotherapy, corticosteroids, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy are the regular treatments.

Recovery and Nutrition

Now after all the hardwork and stress, the individual would want to recover as soon as possible. It is really stressful for the individual and also the family that goes through all the clinical procedures. Many individuals lose hope on their recovery, moral support from the medical team and the family is very much essential during these tough times.

Clinical Symptoms during recovery

During recovery, the individual goes through pain and discomfort. Mental and physical pain will be evident. Depression cam also be seen with loss of appetite, and loss of confidence. Lack of movement can also be troublesome for few individuals. Radiation around the head and neck area might cause dysphagia which means there will be swallowing difficulties with pain. The fear of pain can make them resistant to eating. Medications will curb the apetite and gut sensitivity increases.

Loss of weight and muscle loss will be seen. Blood glucose levels will also be impaired initially. Stress can impact blood pressure. There will be over load on kidneys and liver to metabolize the drugs and medicines out of the system. The recovery stage is mostly catabolic and hence the individual will always find themselves fatigued and weak.

Supplementary Nutrition

Now supplementary nutrition comes to rescue immediately after the treatment or surgery. If the individual doesn’t co-operate for the recovery or is not in a position to consume anything orally or is not in a conscious state of mind, supplementary nutrition finds it’s place to save many adverse consequences.

Initial stages of recovery sees a catabolic stage in the body where the blood glucose levels also are spiked due to stress and impaired hormonal function. The body recognises this stage as starvation and starts glycogenolysis and gluconeogenic responses. Also during recovery, the primary source of energy for the body would come from fats and the amino acids. Hence, supplementary nutrition is initiated as early as possible to inhibit the catabolic responses.

Intravenous or parenteral nutrition is only preferred after the blood glucose levels, sodium and electrolyte levels are are monitored and the patient is stable. Mostly in case there is dehydration and electrolyte loss (diarrhoea and vomitings).

Enteral nutrition is the most common supplementary nutrition that is chosen as it is safer with respect to reduced infections. Enteral nutrition is given either via gastro enteral feeds like Naso gastric tube, naso jejunal tube, PEG, gastrostomy, jejunostomy, esophagsotomy.

The nutritional emulsions would generally include glucose, amino acids and lipids as macronutrients. Fiber, Omega 3, Vitamin E, glutamine, arginine, electrolytes and trace minerals will be added according to the individual needs. Also the enteral formulas are divided into elemental, semi elemental, polymeric, standard, immune enhancing formulas.

The patients will be given continous feeding, bolus feeding or intermittent feeding depending upon their physical movement, metabolic condition.

Recovery is a long process and lots of patience and cooperation from the individual and the family is needed. In patient care and nutrition will be taken care by the Dietitians. Once the individual is discharged, at home nutrition becomes a struggle especially when the individual doesn’t co-operate. Depression also hits and recovery is delayed. Weight loss after the patient is discharged is generally seen in some cases. Regular monitoring of blood glucose, blood pressure, creatinine, electrolyte levels is important.

Physical activity, mental health counseling and balanced nutrition, together play important role in recovery and healing.

Author Manisha B K Nutritionist and mental health coach Founder – NUtreboot

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