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How Important Are Your Emotions?

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

This blog is all about emotions. Yes, you read it right, EMOTIONS! Well, I know this topic is scary, the word emotion is scary for most of the population. Emotions are the root cause for many mental health disorders, instability and imbalances. Healthy emotions can benefit your heart and soul at times and EMOTIONS are also the root cause for many criminal activities in the world. Emotions are the root cause for stress and we all know how stress leads to many metabolic ailments. You can read my very first blog- WORK LIFE BALANCE! Where I have written how stress can lead to many physical and mental ailments.

So, what is an emotion? Any feeling that triggers you to laugh, cry, shout, hit. Feelings that trigger your anger, your sleepless nights, your eating habits, your hygiene. But today, we are not discussing about the health issues that we relate to emotions. This article is more about how to deal with them ! The tips and the tricks !

People run away from their own emotions. They are scared to face their vulnerabilities and resist to face their own feelings. This either happens due to external influences (family and friends) or some conditioned assumptions. Assuming that feeling comfortable with one’s own emotions might make them weak in other’s view. But actually NO! Voicing out what you feel will only make you stronger than you can ever imagine. Here, voicing out doesn’t mean you have to take up a mic and conduct gatherings. No, voicing out is a way of telling yourself what you want, what you feel, what are your healthy desires in life.

My favourite way of dealing with an emotional disturbance is to deviate myself into a healthy habit that is worth and gives me immense pleasure. The deviation must be healthy in the sense that it must be helpful, not only to reduce your current stress but also must prevent you from getting back to an imbalance. Shedding tears for no reason, gossips, guilty pleasures etc are common things that we face in an emotional crisis.

We are what we eat! Similarly, We are what we do! Our emotions are like our own house, when you run away from your emotions, it is similar to running away from your own house. Or even living in your own house and paying rent to an unknown account. Who wants to expend unnecessarily? When you have money, you spend them on useful things or you save them. Right? So, my point here is, do not expend on your emotions, enjoy them instead. Be open to yourself, accept yourself. If you are scared that people might judge you for your decisions, dude! Wake up, Who knows what their destiny is all about! Body shaming, skin colour, education, caste, religion are all superficial and they fetch you nowhere. Think out of the box and always be open and adaptable.

We can never predict futures, we can only assume an outcome in the future. And we have one small life to live. And please don’t assume you will have a nice life in your next birth. That’s not how you live! Eat when you are hungry, sleep when you are sleepy and emote when you have to! Simple!

When you are passionate about a job, a person, a dream, or something that pulls your attention, go for it. Sometimes,you have to struggle to get what you want. There’s no free lunch in any lifetime. There are only life lessons .

If you love someone, take a call, reach out to them. Don’t wait, they will be gone by the time you resist your emotions.

If you are passionate about acting, photography, arts, music, dance, painting, don’t give up yet. Passions don’t have an age limit.

Cover your greys but stop covering your emotions along with your greys. Never stop learning and dreaming at any age.

If someone tells you this is not the age to run around your dreams, ask them what is their biggest achievement in their life, if your dream surpasses their achievement, you don’t have to listen to them.

Always attract the best things in your life. Manifest your goals into reality.

If you feel there is no near possibility to manifest your dreams and goals, think again! It is fine to give into your emotions at times, it heals you ! Always take help from an expert to get to know your healthy state of mind.

Manisha K Nutritionist & Mental health coach Yoga Instructor , Founder- NUtreboot (food and fitness)

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