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Your Toddler's Nutritional Needs - Q&A

Updated: Mar 5, 2022

Food and water being the base for our human bodies, Nutrition becomes very crucial to maintain a good gene. what happens when we maintain a good gene? It helps in reducing most of the chronic illnesses. And what are those secret tricks that help us maintain a great genetics? The only secret trick is to inculcate a good lifestyle from a very young age. As I have always specified in most of my health articles about how genetics play an important role in maintaining a good health. As we grow, our genetical code also evolves. When the genetic evolution goes wrong, we face with the “chronic illness” consequences. Although there are many factors responsible for genetic modifications, lifestyle is deemed as the major trigger to our health consequences. What is lifestyle ? The answer is pretty simple as we all know, our routine itself makes a lifestyle. How do we develop our routines ? From our childhood: By watching our elders Following our mom’s forcefeeding habits Finding solace in food and drinking habits Not knowing how to cook (yes this matters too) Not being observant of our bodies Not having a fixed routine ( due to many reasons) Now, when you just give it a minute and analyse your current lifestyle, you can see that the above points make sense. I cannot point out on what is a good lifestyle or a bad lifestyle but I can burst some myths on children’s eating habits and how to inculcate a healthy lifestyle from day 1.

Let us discuss some Q & A Q1. Why should I not give packaged food to my toddler ? Most of the processed foods like cakes, biscuits, instant noodles, burgers, pizzas, instant fried foods, instant breakfast cereals etc contain preservatives, palm oil, sugar and added flavours that are not suggestible to be given to toddlers or kids for snacking. These foods are highly addictive and are the main reason for teenage obesity, diabetes, deficiencies, unhealthy gut, decreased immunity etc. These highly addictive foods act on the human brain just like drugs. Because, taste enhancers, flavours become the solace to body as they release hormones like dopamine. And this becomes a vicious cycle all throughout their lives. Once your toddler gets used to packaged food, they would not go back to eating fruits and vegetables that are packed with nourishment. All the packaged food lacks nutrition they are just empty calories with zero nutrition. Q2. How can I help my child to avoid eating junk/non nutritous food? Primarily, the parent must sort the weekly needs of their child into a fixed routine. Children are highly active and restless. And you cannot make them sit and eat a whole meal in one go and hence their short hunger pangs are complimented with junk food. A crying child will always be rewarded with a biscuit or a chocolate if they are asked to stop crying. Children are always rewarded with their favourite foods when they get their things sorted or when they are obidient. But unfortunately, this kind of parenting is heavily dangerous on your kid’s longterm health. So, firstly never reward them with junk food, do not purchase packaged foods and stock them in your kitchen. Never consume fast food infront of your kids, they learn by watching you. Never provide them with supplementary food to fill their stomach, always give them only fresh food options. And lastly, always educate your child on why we should eat fresh home cooked food with vegetables and fruits. These tricks will help them inculcate healthy eating habits. But yes ofcourse, kids will resist for few days, remember this behaviour is only temporary. Always include them in cooking and planning the menus as well. Q3. How many meals can a toddler have in a day ? A toddler can have 5 to 8 short meals in a day, even 10 short and quick meals are acceptable. If you are wondering how is that even possible, then you shuld also be knowing that the size of your toddler’s tummy is just the size of their fist. And so, a little more than fistful of meals would sort out their energy and nutritional needs at regular intervals. Eating every 1-2 hours is necessary for the children to maintain their energy needs. And remember to exclude packaged and instant foods from their daily caloric needs. A toddler would need around 1200-1500 calories depending on their activity status. Their calories should meet their energy requirements as well as their daily Vitamin and mineral requirements. Sounds a bit hard work right ? But it is’nt when you well plan the menu and preparations for the week ahead. Q4. My child does not eat vegetables and fruits. Always provide your kids with seasonal fruits as mid meal snacking and avoid giving them packaged foods as they are highly addictive. If your kid resists eating fruits, you can wait till they get hungry. Real hunger knows no flavours and hence it is easier for them to eat the healthiest choice that is available at home. Educate them to eat for the body and not for the tongue. This is called mindful eating. This is a lot of responsibility only in the initial few years of the growing child. Once their routine is set, it becomes much easier for them understand their bodies. Q5. How much milk should be given to my kids? Milk is a great source of calcium but mind that milk is not the only source of calcium. Beware of overfeeding milk to just fill their tummies. Provide your child with variety and variations of tastes and homemade food flavours. 2 cups of milk, 2 cups of yogurt are sufficient for a child in a day. Dairy products like paneer can also be given on a weekly basis. You don’t have to provide them a mug full of milk as that is not going to help in any way. Infact it might also cause digestive issues. Q6. Is carbohydrate rich food good for children? Carbohydrates are present in most of the foods but the calories, glycemic index and glycemic load differ from various food items. Complex carbohydrates like legumes, pulses,whole grains, are healthier than refined carbohydrates that we find in most fast foods/ packaged foods. Healthy Carbohydrates are rich in nutrition and help in energy metabolism without the risk of gaining weight. It is a myth that bananas make you gain weight and having banana as a mid meal snack is great for the child. Bananas are complex carbohydrates and they help in digestion as well. Q7. Should I give my child a diet rich in high protein and less carbs? Protein rich diet is always beneficial for any age group. You do not have to decrease the crabohydrate content in a toddler’s diet but you can avoid giving them empty calories and non nutritous foods as we have discussed above. Carbohydrates are good for a healthy funtioning of the brain as well. Q8. What kind of fats are necessary for children ? Clarified butter or ghee can be added to their dals and rotis. Butter can be spread on their rotis if the child is physically active. Homemade food is always better. Avoiding red meat is one important lifestyle change that can benefit their future. Q9. Is sugar unhealthy for children ? Sugar is unhealthy and is non nutritious. It is always better to avoid adding sugar to their drinks and foods as well. Q10. Is forcefeeding healthy ? Forcefeeding is not a good idea as this will develop resistance or food aversion in children and is dangerous for their state of mind. Always wait for the child to ask for food, give them space, give them time to think and choose their menu. The menu can be as simple as yogurt and fruits, soups, lentils and rice, vegetables and rice/wholegrains, a glass of milk, idli, dosa, poha, etc. Always make sure that the child is eating with full consciousness and loving what he/she eats. Author Manisha B K Clinical Nutritionist, Writer Certified Yoga Trainer

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